How to Improve Focus & Memory
Improve Your Diet
Add fish to your diet. Physicians recommend eating food rich in healthy fats, such as salmon, cod, and sardines, to improve focus and memory. A study published by the Archives of Neurology show healthy fats decrease the risk of dementia, a syndrome that worsens cognition.
Eat foods rich in folic acid. According to a study reported by the Associated Press, doubling folic acid consumption decreased the rate of memory loss.
Drink a cup of coffee daily. Numerous studies show coffee improves focus and memory in older adults. One study reported in the American Academy of Neurology discovered adults over 65 who consumed coffee daily reduced cognitive degeneration by 30%.
Change Your Lifestyle
Learn to manage your stress. According to Science Daily, stress worsens the memory receptors in the brain, impairing focus and memory. Stress management behaviors, such as meditation or the breathing technique, temporarily improves cognition.
Walk 20 minutes per day. According to Prevention magazine, senior citizens who walked 20 minutes per day dramatically improved their focus, memory, and ability to learn.
Try Neurobics. These are mental exercises developed by microbiologists to activate the brain, resulting in improved focus and memory. It activates the nerves in the brain, helping the brain grow.