Natural Treatments for Alzheimer's Combativeness
Alzheimer 's disease is a kind of disorder in the brain. When a person is afflicted with this illness, the brain cells gradually deteriorate resulting in impaired motor skills and thought processes. Some of the most common symptoms are forgetfulness and slow movement. The manifestations do not just happen in the physical capacity. Another symptom of this condition is combativeness. When a person has Alzheimer's disease, it becomes difficult for him to interact with their surroundings. Personality can also be adversely affected and the person may have an increased tendency to be suspicious and enraged.
One characteristic of Alzheimer's Disease is that it is progressive. What this means is that it tends to get worse over time with increasingly severe symptoms. For example, the disease might begin with mild memory loss and then eventually cause the person to deteriorate to where she is unable to communicate with others. The progressive nature of the disease is what makes early treat necessary.
Herbal Remedies
Some plants are thought to help when it comes to alleviating the symptom of combativeness. One such example is Ginko Biloba, which is often given to people with neurological problems. The reason behind this is that it has a lot of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory materials in it. Because of these characteristics, the brain cells are protected from further damage. Other herbal remedies that can be given to lessen the tendency towards agitation are those which are rich in Huperzine A and Vinpocetine.
Food can also be used to help alleviate the combativeness of a person afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. It is suggested that patients maintain a diet rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can be found in certain foods and drinks like tea and blueberries. By consuming food that is rich in antioxidants, the body is capable of protecting the brain against Alzheimer's Disease. On the other hand, the types of food that should be avoided are those which are high in fat and calories. High-salt and processed foods should be avoided because they put a strain on the body. Generally, loading up on vitamins such as Vitamins A and C and decreasing the amount of unhealthy foods consumed will ultimately help against combativeness.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is one way of decreasing the effects of combativeness. This means that vices such as smoking and drinking should be eliminated. The person who has Alzheimer's should also engage in regular exercise. Relocating to an area where environmental toxins from pollution can be avoided is another way to diminish combativeness. When the necessary lifestyle changes are made, the body is better equipped to fight off the effects of Alzheimer's Disease.