Causes and Symptoms of Memory Loss
Causes for memory loss can include a lack of nutrition, malnourishment of the brain, abuse of drugs and alcohol, certain prescribed medications, stress, anxiety, diabetes, thyroid disorders, head trauma, dementia, depression, brain tumor and Alzheimer's disease.
The symptoms of memory loss can include the inability to remember things either short term or long term, memory loss that worsens over time, confusion, irritation and having trouble completing tasks. If you have any of these symptoms you should see a doctor immediately.
There are different types of memory loss. Transient Global Amnesia is the temporary complete loss of all memory; this type is rare. Anterograde Amnesia happens when there is a head injury and the person with the head injury cannot remember anything after the head trauma but can remember everything from their past. Retrograde Amnesia is when the person suffering from the head trauma cannot remember anything before the injury but can remember everything after the head injury.
If you notice a loved one or friend having trouble remembering even little things or having trouble remembering important events, they should be seen by a doctor. If they seem confused, irritated or depressed they should be seen by a doctor also.
Keep your brain healthy by getting the right nutrients including vitamins, supplements, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fish. If you are already experiencing memory loss and you want to improve your memory, take vitamins and supplements and eat foods such as fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, get enough exercise, and limit your intake of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco use.