Medical Reasons for Memory Loss
Medical Conditions That Cause Memory Loss
The following medical conditions are associated with memory loss.
Alzheimer's disease
High blood pressure
Vitamin B deficiency
Symptoms and Reasons
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most devastating medical reasons for memory loss. Some of the symptoms Alzheimer's patients will have are trouble remembering common words when talking, misplacement of everyday items, forgetting how to get to familiar places when driving and mood swings.
High blood pressure leads to hardening of the arteries. This leads to circulation problems because blood flow is impeded. Restricted blood flow to the brain can lead to stroke and memory loss.
Diabetes leads to memory loss by causing circulation problems associated with neuropathy, along with the overproduction of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that will, over time, lead to memory loss.
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. Cognitive impairment is a common symptom with hypothyroidism. The thyroid controls metabolism. Therefore, problems with thyroid hormone production affect every aspect of the body, including memory. Also, insufficient T4 hormone production causes dementia, a form of memory loss.
Depression affects neurotransmitters in the brain leading to memory loss.
Dehydration causes confusion. It can also lead to memory problems by causing any medication you take to become concentrated in the blood.
Fibromyalgia patients suffer memory loss caused by lack of sleep and constant pain. These take a toll on the brain, leading to cognitive problems.
Vitamin B-12 protects red blood cells and nerve cells. A person deficient in vitamin B-12 will suffer memory loss when the cells of the brain become deprived.
Other conditions can cause memory loss. Cancer and cancer treatments, AIDS, low levels of good cholesterol and alcoholism are some other reasons for memory loss. Brain tumors, Lyme disease and head trauma can also lead to memory loss.
Some medications can cause memory loss. Barbiturates, benzodiazepines, general anesthetics, Xanax and Wellbutrin are some of the long list of drugs associated with memory loss. See "Additional Resources," below, for a link to a list of medications associated with memory loss.
There are ways to help yourself if you are suffering from memory loss caused by a health condition. Always check with your doctor first for advice, however. The following are some general healthy habits/tips that will help.
Lose weight to stabilize diabetes and high blood pressure.
Eat a healthy, low-fat/low-sugar diet to improve cholesterol and diabetic complications.
Exercise regularly. Exercise will help bring high blood pressure down, raise good cholesterol levels, relieve depression symptoms and lower blood sugar in diabetics.
Practice meditation and other stress-relieving techniques.
Take medications as directed for hypothyroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure and any other conditions. (Tell your physician if memory problems occur after the start of these medications. Changes may need to be made in this case.)
Eat foods rich in vitamin B-12 and take supplements if advised by your doctor.
The best way to ward off medical causes of memory loss is to stay in regular contact with your physician, follow his advice and live a healthy, active life.