How to Surprise Mom and Dad on Parent's Day
Show up unannounced on your parent's doorstep without the grandkids in tow. Offer to do some maintenance work around the house or help them clean out the garage. This thoughtful gesture is a great way to show your appreciation.
Coordinate with your siblings to celebrate Parent's Day all together. If your brothers and sisters are traveling from afar, invite you parents to visit you and then have your siblings also come for a visit. This is less stressful on your parents than descending on their house unannounced.
Pool funds with your siblings and splurge on a dream vacation or cruise for your parents.
Take your parents out for some special bonding time without your spouse or kids. Take them to a favorite restaurant, spend the day golfing or go to a movie. The focus should be on them and doing what makes them happy.
Send your parents a thoughtful card or gift if you cannot spend time with them in person. Dad's not going to get excited about flowers, but a cheesecake or other treat might be appreciated.