How to Strengthen an Alzheimer's Patient's Memory
Do puzzles and games. Trivia, crossword puzzles, fill-in-the-blank questions and brainstorming worksheets are proven to help people in the early stages of memory loss. The games test memory and teach new things. Many can be found online.
Buy a book. There are several books that provide activities to strengthen the memory of someone with early-onset Alzheimer's. "Strengthen Your Mind: Activities for People With Early Memory Loss" is a good one.
Write about long-term memories. These memories usually stay with the Alzheimer's patient until the later stages of the disease. If she's able to write, give her a topic, for example, "First Kiss." Reward her accomplishment.
Meditate to strengthen the brain. At least one study shows that daily meditation makes your memory stronger and brings blood flow to the important parts of your brain.