How to Reduce Wandering in Alzheimer's Patients
Things You'll Need
- Supplies for activities
- Medical identification bracelet
- Recent photo of Alzheimer's patient
- Crossword puzzles
- Computer games
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Deadbolt locks
Lock windows and doors with a lock that the patient won't be able to open, such as a deadbolt to which only you have the key.
Remain with a patient who has a history of wandering home alone. Try to stay in the same room with him during waking hours. Alzheimer's patients grow anxious when left alone and anxiety can lead to wandering.
Keep track of the times of day a patient wanders to see if you can establish a pattern linked to a particular behavior or need they have. They may be searching for something or trying to fulfill a basic need such as hunger. Discuss these patterns with the patient's doctor to determine a reason.
Ask the patient's doctor if wandering could be caused by medication side effects.
Keep patients mentally and physically active. Make sure they have plenty of word games, puzzles, movies or music to keep them occupied. Boredom is a common reason for wandering.
Try to minimize stress-inducing situations that may cause anxiety and confusion for the patient such as loud voices and loud noises.
Register patients with Safe Return through the Alzheimer's Association website. Safe Return is a federally funded program that has returned thousands of individuals with Alzheimer's to their families. Keep the Safe Alert phone number near the phone so you can alert the program as soon as you realize the patient is missing.
Have the patient wear an identification bracelet with their address and medical condition.
Equip each door in the house with a signal that will alert you when a door has been opened.