What are Nursing Management for Aortic Abdominal Aneurysm?
1. Preoperative Care:
- Monitor vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.
- Assess for signs of aneurysm rupture, such as sudden severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or loss of consciousness.
- Provide emotional support and reassurance to the patient and their family.
- Administer medications as prescribed, such as antihypertensives, anticoagulants, or vasodilators.
- Encourage the patient to avoid smoking, alcohol, and strenuous activities.
- Educate the patient about the procedure, potential complications, and postoperative expectations.
2. Intraoperative Care:
- Monitor vital signs and hemodynamic parameters closely.
- Administer general anesthesia and provide respiratory support.
- Collaborate with the surgical team to ensure proper positioning and exposure of the aneurysm.
- Assist in the surgical repair, including aneurysm excision and grafting.
3. Postoperative Care:
- Monitor vital signs and hemodynamic parameters frequently.
- Assess the surgical site for bleeding, swelling, or infection.
- Manage pain using prescribed analgesics.
- Encourage deep breathing and coughing to prevent atelectasis and pneumonia.
- Administer intravenous fluids and monitor fluid balance.
- Provide nutritional support as tolerated.
- Monitor for signs of complications, such as infection, bleeding, thrombosis, or graft failure.
- Educate the patient about activity restrictions, incision care, and follow-up appointments.
- Provide emotional support and counseling to help the patient cope with the physical and emotional impact of the surgery.