What is a field expedient way to perform needle chest decompression relieve the pressure of tension pneumothorax if you have catheter?

Field Expedient Needle Chest Decompression

>For a tension pneumothorax, you're going to need a needle and/or a catheter.


1) Identify the correct intercostal space

- In the 2nd intercostal space at the midclavicular line.

- Insert until the needle or catheter can be seen/felt moving with respirations.

- Alternatively, in the 5th intercostal space in the midaxillary line.

2) Secure the needle/catheter to prevent accidental removal

- Use tape, a twist-tie, or any method to secure it.

3) Attach a one way valve device - this will help release air during exhalation and not let it back in.

- Heimlich valve: Attach the catheter to a one-way valve device (e.g., Heimlich valve) if available.

- Without Valve: If a one way valve is not available, cover the end of the catheter with a finger and attach it to a chest drainage bag or flutter valve to allow air to escape.

_Note: If you do not have a needle or a catheter, you can use a large bore needle from an IV administration set. Cut off the last inch of the catheter so it is not sharp._

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