How do you ambulate a patient with two chest tube connected to pleur evac drainage system by y?
1. Preparation:
- Ensure that the patient is hemodynamically stable and ready for ambulation.
- Assess the patient's pain level and provide appropriate pain medication if needed.
- Explain the procedure to the patient and reassure them.
2. Equipment:
- You will need a Y-connector, extension tubing, a sturdy wheelchair or walker, and assistance from another healthcare provider.
3. Disconnection:
- Before disconnecting the chest tubes from the drainage system, clamp both chest tubes close to the patient's skin.
4. Y-Connector:
- Connect one end of the Y-connector to one chest tube and the other end to the other chest tube.
5. Extension tubing:
- Attach the extension tubing to the open end of the Y-connector.
6. Secure the tubing:
- Gently tape the extension tubing to the patient's chest to prevent accidental dislodgement.
7. Ambulation:
- Help the patient to stand up slowly, providing support as needed.
- Attach the extension tubing to the IV pole or wheelchair.
8. Observe and Monitor:
- Closely monitor the patient for any signs of respiratory distress or discomfort during ambulation.
9. Reconnection:
- Once ambulation is complete, return to the patient's bedside and reconnect the chest tubes to the drainage system.
- Remember to unclamp the chest tubes before reconnecting.
10. Documentation:
- Document the ambulation activity, including the patient's tolerance and any significant observations in the patient's medical records.
11. Follow-up:
- Regularly assess the patient's condition, monitor chest tube drainage, and provide appropriate care.
Remember to always prioritize patient safety and communicate effectively with the patient and healthcare team throughout the process. If the patient experiences any difficulties during ambulation, stop immediately and seek assistance.