Endovascular AAA Repair
AAA Aneurysm
An aneurysm causes the artery to expand, weaken and potentially rupture. An AAA aneurysm can also lead to blood clots, which can cause loss of limbs and even be life threatening.
The Surgery
The surgeon makes small incisions in the groin area and uses an x-ray to guide a stent graft to the site of the aneurysm, which props open and stabilizes the artery. This technique is less invasive than open-surgery, which requires a single large incision.
After the Surgery
Endovascular AAA repair surgery usually requires a two- to three-day stay in the hospital. Patients will need frequent follow-up visits and CT scans to ensure the stent is functioning properly.
Not all patients are good candidates for this type of surgery. Influencing factors include anatomy of the pelvis, the size and condition of the artery and the location and size of the aneurysm.
This surgery can benefit those who are at high risk for complications due to medical conditions, but it may require more maintenance procedures than the open-surgery.