How to Get Financial Help to Pay for Anorexia Treatments

The process of treating anorexia seems prohibitively expensive for most patients. Insurance companies provide a limited amount of assistance and treatment facilities are only flexible to a certain point in helping you pay for treatments. There are multiple avenues for financial help that can defray the costs of anorexia treatments.

Things You'll Need

  • Support group
  • Copies of medical documents
  • Clinical trials (optional)
  • Contact information for state insurance commissioner or regulator
  • Medicaid
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      Use sessions at a university clinic to get therapy from qualified therapists and young psychologists. Most clinics allow patients to pay a low fee or figure out a different financial arrangement in order to gain experience for students. You should approach therapy sessions at these clinics as introductory to ease the financial burdens of private therapeutic practices.

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      Compile copies of diagnostic tests, assessments and other documents completed by health care providers. You will need proof of the effects of anorexia in order to get financial help from insurers and state programs.

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      Gain small-scale assistance for your anorexia through support groups in your community. You should mobilize this resource if you need books and equipment to aid in your diet and exercise program without the financial burden of buying new products.

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      Search for clinical trials in your region to gain help for your anorexia without paying a high price. These trials are made available to anorexic patients who fit a certain demographic profile to test out new treatments. You should investigate trials that do not require you to pay and provide overall assistance for your anorexia.

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      Contact your state's insurance commissioner or regulator to get information on financial assistance programs for specific medical ailments. States with a high case load for bulimia, anorexia and other eating disorders may offer publicly funded programs for new patients.

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      Determine the applicability of Medicaid coverage in paying for your anorexia treatments. Medicaid provides health benefits for families with low incomes who are under-insured. There are limits to the health care providers who will accept Medicaid, but this program may help adolescents receive treatment for anorexia.

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      Pool resources with friends and family members who have offered to provide assistance while you recover from anorexia. You should only seek small amounts of financial help from multiple sources to cover a monthly bill or pay for a prescription.

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