How to Know When to See a Doctor for Anorexia

It is difficult for people who have anorexia to approach a doctor and admit that they have this illness. Anorexia is unlike most other diseases in that there is an element of shame involved in initiating anorexic behaviors. There are several signs that will indicate when you should see a doctor for anorexia.


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      Set up an appointment with a doctor when your friends and family approach you with evidence of your anorexia. People close to you will not approach you about anorexia until they are sufficiently concerned about your health.

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      Make your way to a physician when you notice that you are spending an extensive amount of time thinking about your weight. The differences between casual concern about weight and anorexic behavior are daily trips to the scale and hours in front of the mirror.

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      Speak with your physician as soon as you know that your digestive problems are out of the ordinary. Chronic bloating, constipation and problems digesting food, when combined with extremely low weight, are symptoms that point to anorexia.

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      Schedule time with your doctor when you know that you are quickly losing your attention span. You should see a medical professional when mental capacities like the ability to focus on a speaker or document begin to diminish. Your doctor will be able to assess whether these problems are associated with other physical or with anorexia.

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      Monitor your energy levels on a daily basis to know when to see a doctor about anorexia. The poor eating habits associated with anorexia lead to deficiencies in vitamins B, C and E, which contribute to exhaustion over time.

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      Seek medical care for anorexia and other eating disorders if you have prolonged bouts with common illnesses. Vitamin C deficiencies and a lack of other nutrients lead to a weak immune system in anorexic patients. You should become concerned if a cold or flu lasts longer than 2 weeks and you exhibit other symptoms of anorexia.

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      Request tests from your doctor to eliminate other illnesses that may contribute to your symptoms. Specific ailments like skin discoloration and poor metabolism can be caused by illnesses that are similar to anorexia. You should run a full battery of tests before proceeding with treatment.

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