How to Select an Anorexia Outpatient Program
Things You'll Need
- Diagnosis of anorexia
- Physician
- Nutritionist
- Therapist
- Physician referral
Find an Outpatient Anorexia Treatment Program
Select outpatient treatment centers that provide both individual and group therapy and counseling. Any counseling an anorexia patient receives should address physical symptoms as well as any of the underlying forces such as the patient's psychological state, interpersonal relationships and the influence of our culture in affecting body image standards.
Make an appointment to meet with the director of the outpatient program. Before you meet with him, prepare a list of questions regarding the program's licensing, the longevity of their treatment center and the specific methods used in the center's program, such as art therapy, medication and the center's approach to assisted meals or eating programs.
Ask about how the program you select evaluates each patient. Many programs will base a large part of their recommendations upon the amount of weight loss seen in the patient in addition to the patient's psychological state.
Find out when you can schedule treatment as an outpatient at this center. You should know in advance if they they offer scheduled appointments in the evening, on weekends or around your school or work schedule.
Discuss how long their treatment program typically lasts. Depending on the program, you may take a preliminary course of treatment followed by another evaluation to determine the further extent to which treatment is needed.
Determine whether health insurance can be used to offset the expense of this treatment program for anorexia. You may need to contact both your medical insurance provider as well as speak with the treatment center's billing office to determine what part of the program may be covered, as well as what kind of doctor referrals are required to receive treatment from the program.