How to Survive Anorexia Nervosa

A debilitating and complex psychological disorder, anorexia nervosa can be lethal. Although recovery is possible, it can be quite difficult and often requires a lifelong effort. If you're struggling with anorexia nervosa, the following information may help you survive and deal with the disease.


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      Make sure you're getting the help you need. Treatment of anorexia often requires a holistic approach, with assistance from many different experts. For example, a typical treatment program may have a patient routinely meet with a nutritionist, a counselor, a psychiatrist and a fitness expert, while also attending group and family therapy sessions.

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      Take it one day at a time. Not only is dealing with the disease overwhelming, but treatment is often just as difficult. By focusing on the present and what you can accomplish today, your goals won't seem as out of reach.

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      Try meditating or journaling. Anorexics are so obsessed with food and their weight that they often can't concentrate on anything else. Meditation can be a great way to clear the mind and reduce any obsessive, food-related thoughts. Journaling is a great release for negative feelings.

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      Make an effort to spend time with family and friends. Often our time spent with others centers around food, whether it's dinner with the family or catching a bite to eat with a close friend. People who suffer from anorexia often withdraw from others so they don't have to deal with the temptation of food. However, this only intensifies feelings of loneliness and depression. Schedule some time with those you love--you need their support.

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      Tackle the real issues. Often, anorexia nervosa is a condition that is rooted in deep emotional pain. Through counseling and self-reflection, attempt to identify the deeper issues.

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