How to Live After Anorexia
Visit a nutrition counselor to make sure your new meal plan includes everything you need for a healthy diet. Take it one meal or snack at a time. Eat as you're hungry and focus on your meal plan.
Explain your condition to friends and family and tell them you need their support. If they know what you are going through they can be sensitive to your feelings and struggles.
Buy new clothes as you gain your weight back to its healthy level. Reward yourself for your diligence and patience and look fabulous in something new.
Realize that it's not an instant transformation. You may have issues with food or your weight all your life. It can take a long time to recover and it's common to return to unhealthy habits. Work instead on allowing yourself the time to exercise and participate in the things you love.
Watch for complications caused by anorexia and seek medical attention. Serious problems commonly associated with anorexia are osteoporosis, fractures and joint injuries, anemia, kidney problems, heart problems and cavities or tooth decay.
Tell your story. Help others gain the courage to speak up and get help. Publish a blog online or write a story to send into a magazine. Getting your story out can help you feel more in control of your progress.
Continue with therapy. Don't stop just because you've regained weight and look healthy. Continue to work on the underlying issues for a better chance at recovering fully.