How to Treat Anorexia Through Hypnotherapy
Things You'll Need
- Hypnotherapist
- Therapist
Treat Anorexia Through a Variety of Therapies
Use assertiveness training to treat anorexia. Anorexics often need to learn how to set boundaries in their lives, standing up for themselves and identifying what they need.
Work through anorexia with behavioral-modification therapy. By learning the reasons for your behaviors and accepting the consequences, you can retrain yourself to perform healthy actions.
Seek cognitive therapy. Cognitive therapy examines your view of the world and highlights positive qualities that anorexics often overlook in themselves.
Discover the reasons for your behavior in insight-oriented therapy. This type of therapy helps anorexic patients to reveal the reasons for their actions and understand how to prevent them in the future.
Learn relaxation techniques. Many therapists suggest that patients with anorexia use relaxation techniques, such as warm baths, meditation or massage, to calm the stress response that accompanies anorexic behavior.
Be realistic about progress. Anorexia can develop quickly, but it takes time to adjust your psychological patterns and adopt healthy behaviors towards food and exercise.
Use Hypnotherapy to Treat Anorexia
Find a licensed person to perform the hypnotherapy. For example, a psychotherapist, who specializes in eating-disorder treatment, may be able to help you.
Know what to expect from hypnotherapy. Once you are fully under hypnosis, your doctor will give you positive encouragement and provide you with the tools necessary to establish a better relationship with food and exercise.
Focus attention inward. Close your eyes and ignore external distractions.
Listen attentively to the hypnotherapist. You will initially be guided through a series of relaxation techniques, helping you to find the trance-like state of hypnosis.
Recognize that hypnotherapy can take several tries to produce results.
Repeat the hypnotherapy sessions. You can do so with your doctor or learn self-hypnosis.