How to Fast Safely to Avoid Anorexia
Things You'll Need
- Fruit and vegetable juices
- Other people
- Doctor
Fast Safely to Avoid Anorexia
Request a physical examination from your doctor. Let your doctor know that you are planning to fast and he will probably take your blood pressure, perform blood tests and conduct other tests to evaluate your overall health.
Consider your history. If you or close family members have suffered from eating disorders or have had problems maintaining sufficient body fat or weight, do not fast.
Maintain nutritional balance. Fruit and vegetable juices can assist with long-term fasts, as long as they are fresh and composed of 100-percent juice, without additives or sugar. The natural sugar in these drinks provides the body with energy.
Boil whole vegetables until soft, and then drain the broth for drinking. The broth can be consumed three times daily. The vegetable broth can help to keep your body properly fueled.
Stick to a schedule. For juice fasts, work with your doctor to prepare a regimen of juice meals that you can drink several times daily.
Fast with others to avoid the secretiveness that marks anorexia. If you'd rather fast alone, notify family and friends that you are fasting safely, while under medical supervision, and be open with them about your nutritional concerns.
Limit your physical activity. Exercise anorexia can develop when people restrict caloric intake and push their bodies into harsh exercise routines.
Determine Whether You Need to Fast
Fast for spiritual growth. Many religions consider fasting a time of inner quiet and cleansing of physical sins.
Detoxify your system. Many people fast for cleansing benefits, as it can remove waste and old nutrients from your body.
Use fasting as a part of your weight-loss program. Juice fasts or sugar fasts can be performed to aid in weight loss. However, such fasts should be performed only with the approval and guidance of a doctor.
Improve athletic performance. Professional athletes often fast before major exhibitions, in an effort to strengthen the body and remove the buildup of toxins.
Fast safely before important medical tests. Your doctor will advise you when it is necessary to fast before having certain procedures performed.