How to Have an Intervention for an Anorexic Friend
Things You'll Need
- Medical professional
- Friends and family
Stage a One-on-One Intervention for an Anorexic Friend
Pick a private location where there will be no interruptions. It's important to have enough time to spend with your friend in case she becomes upset or decides to open up to you.
Be empathetic and understanding. Asking for help is one of the hardest things for an anorexic person to do. If you display empathy without judgment, you can encourage your friend on the road to recovery.
Stay calm and express your concerns by using "I" statements. If you refer to personal experience, rather than using "you" statements, you may keep your friend from becoming defensive and unresponsive to your help.
Remember to focus on the underlying causes of the disorder. If you focus on comments about weight and exercise, this may serve to reinforce the anorexic behaviors. Talk to your friend about how often he appears sad, preoccupied or anxious.
Offer information about resources for treatment, such as doctors, therapists and fees for care. Offer to accompany your friend as she seeks treatment.
Expect rejection. Initially, your friend may be angry, defensive or in denial. Maintain your calm stance and do not engage in an argument.
Be persistent. People often need to hear something several times before they begin to accept it.
Stage an Intervention Using Professional Help
Ask your friend's family and loved ones to participate in an intervention after one-on-one attempts have failed. The intervention should be kept secret from your friend.
Involve a medical professional, such as your friend's doctor, a licensed therapist or a representative from a treatment center. This person can serve to facilitate the intervention and help to prepare each loved one beforehand.
Present a strong, united front and confront your friend. Interventions, with professional assistance, are often last-resort options for seriously ill people. It's important that every participant have the same view, tone of voice and hope for your friend.