How do anorexics hide their anorexia from doctors?
- Altering their appearance: They may wear baggy clothes to conceal weight loss. They may also use wigs or hats to hide extreme hair thinning or loss, and they may apply excessive makeup to disguise the gaunt appearance of their face.
- Lying or manipulating information: They may lie about the amount and type of food they consume. For instance, they may tell their doctor that they eat regular meals, when in reality they are restricting food intake. They may also be evasive about their weight or body image concerns.
- Denial and minimization: Anorexics may genuinely deny that they have a problem, even if they are severely malnourished. They may minimize the significance of their symptoms and express resistance to treatment.
- Engaging in secretive behaviors: They may hide food or sneak away to binge and purge. They may spend excessive time in the bathroom after meals to vomit. They may also avoid social gatherings involving food.
- Using laxatives or diuretics: Anorexics may use these substances to purge after eating in an attempt to control their weight.