What is narcissistic feed?
Sources of narcissistic feed can include:
* Praise and admiration: Narcissists crave constant praise and admiration from others, and they may become angry or defensive if they don't get the attention they feel they deserve.
* Recognition and status: Narcissists often seek out positions of power and influence, as these can provide them with the recognition and status they crave.
* Special treatment: Narcissists may expect special treatment from others and become resentful or angry if they don't get it.
* Envy and jealousy: Narcissists may also derive narcissistic feed from the envy and jealousy of others, as this validates their sense of superiority.
Narcissists may use various strategies to obtain narcissistic feed, including:
* Bragging and boasting: Narcissists may brag about their accomplishments or possessions in order to impress others and gain admiration.
* Seeking attention: Narcissists may engage in attention-seeking behaviors, such as interrupting conversations or making a scene, in order to get the spotlight on themselves.
* Putting others down: Narcissists may put others down or criticize them in order to make themselves feel superior.
* Exploiting others: Narcissists may exploit others for their own personal gain, without regard for the consequences for the other person.
Narcissistic feed is essential for narcissists to maintain their inflated sense of self-importance and self-esteem. Without it, they may become depressed, anxious, or even rageful. However, the need for narcissistic feed can be a self-destructive cycle, as it leads to relationships based on inauthenticity and manipulation, and it ultimately prevents narcissists from developing genuine and meaningful connections with others.