What are characteristics of people with anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia nervosa is more common in women than men, and it typically develops during adolescence or early adulthood. However, it can occur at any age.
Some of the characteristics of people with anorexia nervosa include:
* Low self-esteem
* A distorted body image (i.e., seeing yourself as overweight when you are actually underweight)
* A fear of gaining weight
* An obsession with food and calories
* Extreme weight loss
* Dry, brittle hair
* Brittle nails
* Loss of menstruation (in women)
* Muscle weakness
* Fatigue
* Dizziness
* Lightheadedness
* Constipation
* Bloating
* Abdominal pain
* Heart problems
* Kidney problems
* Osteoporosis
* Infertility
* Death
If you or someone you know has symptoms of anorexia nervosa, it is important to seek professional help immediately. Treatment for anorexia nervosa typically involves psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and medical monitoring.