What Are the Signs of Anorexia?

Anorexia is a dangerous disease that takes the lives of young women each year. As a friend or family member begins to show signs, it is imperative to look closely at her lifestyle. Even though this disease can happen to males, it is much more common in females. This is especially true with young impressionable girls. You must first understand the warning signs of anorexia before you can help.
  1. Significance

    • Anorexia is the dread of becoming fat. This mental condition is so serious that while looking in a mirror, the person actually sees an overweight person staring back. Look for signs of the anorexic person spending a lot of time with the mirror and the weight scale. According to Helpguide.org, typically anorexia affects young women between 13 and 21 years of age. However, this disease can affect all people at any age, male or female. Death is all too often the outcome for people who to not obtain medical assistance.

    The Facts

    • In America, typically role models for young girls are impossible-to-imitate model types. Even though various celebrities are beginning to speak out against eating disorders, young women try to live up to impracticable goals. According to Women and Peace, people suffering with anorexia often lie with extreme accuracy. In addition, the person usually joins large meals or cooks; however, she eats hardly anything. Usually, she only consumes a bite or two during the meal.


    • According to Helpguide.org, two types of anorexia exist. The more common type, restricting, refers to reducing food intake dramatically and exercising excessively. The less common type is purging. The condition may cause the person to vomit after consuming any amount of food to remove the calorie intake. Wearing overly baggy clothes and hiding her appearance are signs of the restricting type. Eating a large number of breath mints and overly brushing her teeth are signs of purging. Often purging is mistaken for bulimia, another eating disorder. Even though some general similarities exist, the two diseases are distinct.


    • According to the Mayo Clinic, changes in physical appearance or other warning signs emerge with anorexia. If your child or friend is experiencing dizziness, fainting spells or dehydration, it is important to seek medical assistance. Other signs may be coldness even in mild temperatures, an increase in hair on the body, or nails breaking randomly. In addition, hair falling out and an increase in flaky or dry skin may be a cause for alarm.

    Eating Habits

    • According to the Mayo Clinic, definite warning signs are apparent. Notice eating habits such as portion size and low-calorie meals. The person may eat only a few bites. In addition, watch closely as the person eats. Picking at the food and spitting into a napkin are strong warning signs of anorexia.

    Complaints and Denial

    • According to Helpguide.org, complaining about weight even though she is thin is a major sign of anorexia. Additionally, when a confrontation emerges, she may become angry and deny she has an eating disorder. It is vital to seek medical attention if the warning signs are present. Long-term damage may occur if the person does not receive the proper medical assistance.

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