What Is Pro Ana Weight Loss?
Basic Terms
Supporters of pro ana weight loss have created their own language. Pro ana is the term used to describe anorexia as a lifestyle, not a disease. Thinspiration, or thinspo, encourages supporters to find inspiration from super thin actresses or models. They post pictures of these women on their websites. Ana is short for anorexia nervosa, and mia, or bella, is the short form of bulimia. Ed is the short form of the term eating disorder.
Ednos is the term used for non-specific eating disorder, and coe is used for compulsive eating disorders. SI describes self injury. MiAna is having both anorexia and bulimia. Other terms include "hw" for highest weight, "cw" for current weight, "gw" for goal weight and "ugw" for ultimate goal weight. Pro-anas use these terms when communicating with one another in chat rooms and forums.
Support Groups
Pro ana weight loss websites use the same methods as weight loss sites like Weight Watchers use to motivate members. Online members provide tips for extreme weight loss, including crash dieting techniques, recipes and fasting. They support members who binge eat and help them to get back to their anorexic way of life. Members learn the about best ways to induce vomiting and how to use laxatives and enemas. New members learn how to hide their condition from parents and doctors. Members post their body measurement and weight. Members who have been hospitalized for eating disorders are celebrated.
Pro ana websites promote this lifestyle by playing into the negative body images of their members. They use mantras, poetry and songs that inspire members to stay thin. Pictures of women who are overweight or average weight are posted next to a thin person, somewhat like a before and after picture to motivate them. Members can post pictures of themselves as well as to motivate other members.
Health Risks
Pro ana weight loss causes numerous psychological and health problems because of extreme dieting and low calorie consumption. The National Institute of Mental Health website says eating disorders often coexist with depression, substance abuse and anxiety disorders. Health problems include heart problems, kidney failure and death.
Pro Ana websites concern universities and eating disorder organizations. A study conducted by Stanford University found that websites that promote eating disorders increase by 470 percent each year and 96 percent of the people who visit these sites learn new techniques and don't seek treatment. The National Eating Disorders Association speaks out against these websites because they encourage unhealthy weight loss and don't encourage treatment.