Anorexia Facts
Symptoms of anorexia include physically making themselves sick after eating and using extreme measures to lose weight. They'll also feel fat or overweight even when they're dangerously underweight.
Recovery Rate
The recovery rate for anorexia is around 40 percent. About 30 percent of those who do recover will still experience problems in the future or relapse.
There is no one cause of anorexia, but depression and stress can cause symptoms to appear. Other causes include family abuse, sexual abuse and a family history of anorexia.
Warning Signs
Warnings signs of anorexia include not eating in front of others, lethargic feelings and forgetfulness. Other signs include depression and a lack of interest in daily activities.
The treatment of anorexia involves hospitalization to replenish the body with vitamins and fluids. Therapy is another important step because it teaches the patient to change their thinking patterns about their body.