What Are the Causes of Anorexia?
Anorexic nervosa is a disorder that occurs mainly in females. It is a type of eating disorder that deals with weight issues and fear of food. Many cases occur during adolescence because this tends to be a time of many transitional changes. Teens also tend to be very impressionable by society. Here are the main causes of anorexia.-
Today's society puts pressure on women to be thin, from magazines to TV, many of the glamorous people are thin. Pressures to be thin can be seen in events like pageants, modeling and gymnastics as well. Women have to maintain a certain shape and size in these occupations. In order to do so, they may begin skipping meals and exercising excessively. If they can lose or maintain their weight, then some women may stop eating or eat very little.
Many women who become anorexic have psychological problems. A woman may have low self-esteem and poor body image issues. She wants to fit in with others who are naturally skinny or thin. A feeling that she is losing or has lost control makes her feel empowered by controlling her weight. A lot of women are looking for that perfect self image and when they don't see that in themselves, many end up anorexic trying to become that perfect person.
A major psychological problem is poor body image. Many women feel that their bodies aren't beautiful or that they are fat. They feel they don't measure up to other women. Some women who are skinny still feel that they are fat. This way of thinking can cause a female to become anorexic.
Transitions In Life
There are transitions in life that cause someone to become anorexic. These transitions already cause a state of vulnerability. Some of these transitions are the ending of relationships, death of a loved one and failing in areas of life. During these transitions, a person may feel like she has no control of things happening in her life. A common transition for teens are entering high school, where the pressure to be popular and pretty leads some girls to starve themselves to attain the perfect body.
Genetics can play a part in someone who becomes anorexic. People who have had a family member with this disorder have a higher risk of becoming anorexic. Also, someone who has a family history of alcohol abuse and depression is at risk of becoming anorexic.
Family can sometimes play a part in why some women become anorexic. Parents who are overprotective and suffocating can push an adolescent female to become anorexic. The adolescent female develops this disorder as a way of showing independence and individuality.
Another issue that can cause a young female to become anorexic is constant criticizing from one or both parents. One or both parents may constantly criticize their daughter's weight and shape. Sometimes parents think this criticizing is helpful but it can actually be harmful, especially during the adolescent stage of growing up.
Warning signs to look for are usually apparent if you look for them. One sign is excessive weight loss. The woman begins to look starved. Bones become more pronounced in her body.
Excessive exercising becomes a part of an anorexic's routine. Also obsession of gaining weight is a constant issue for them even when they become underweight.
If these warning signs are evident in your daughter, medical attention should be sought. Anorexic nervosa can lead to serious health issues, even death.