How to Get Help for Anorexia

Society’s emphasis on maintaining a slim waistline has created a disease with deadly consequences--anorexia. People with anorexia, usually young teenage girls, deprive themselves of food and nutrients and may exercise excessively in order to lose weight. It is crucial that anyone who is suffering from anorexia gets help as soon as possible. Read on to learn how to get help for anorexia.


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      Admit that you have a problem. Anorexia is a psychological as well as an eating disorder, so it may be difficult to admit that you need help. However, it is important to admit this to yourself before confiding in another person whether it is a family member, friend or counselor.

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      Explain your situation to someone to whom you can confide in. For teenagers, this may be a parent that can assist them in seeking professional help. For adults however, this might be a professional counselor. Hot lines are also available for those who would like to talk to someone over the phone or anonymously.

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      Determine the severity of your condition. There are different degrees of the disease, and the type of help you will need for your anorexia depends on how far the disorder has progressed. A counselor or doctor would be able to assist with this assessment. You might also consult the Internet for a very general evaluation.

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      Get a recommendation for the next course of action. Again, this recommendation will likely vary depending on the severity of your anorexia. For some, it may simply be to follow a strict diet on their own. Others might need to go into psychological therapy and/or clinical treatment.

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      Commit yourself to whatever program you end up following. Diets and doctors are great tools to use when attempting to get help for anorexia, but you will not be successful unless you yourself truly want to get better. It is important for the sufferer to recognize that recovery will be a difficult but rewarding process.

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