How to Diagnose Complications of Eating Disorders
Look for loss of muscle mass. Lack of food and nutrition causes the body to consume itself. An obvious symptom are very thin arms and legs without an muscle.
Notice the teeth. Erosion and graying are two problems that come with purging. If there is significant damage to the teeth, there is problem damage to the stomach and esophagus as well.
Watch for the monthly cycle. Women with eating disorders lose the ability to menstruate. If you notice that your friend suddenly stops getting her period, that is a big warning sign that the body is in crisis. It can also lead to infertility.
Keep an eye on growth. In young women and boys, eating disorders can lead to stunted growth. The person may never catch up to their potential height and weight.
Look for excessive hair. The body produces extra hair when it's in a period of starvation for extra warmth since there is no fat to keep the body warm. Severe eating disorder victims can have downy hair covering their bodies.
Get help immediately for fainting spells and seizures. These are also signs of an eating disorder. Sleep disorders and bad dreams can accompany them.