Tattoos & Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder of adults that causes chronic joint inflammation and other symptoms. A variation in the disorder can occur in children, called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. During flareups of this condition, the immune system is strained, and the person with this condition is more susceptible to becoming ill.
In autoimmune disorders, the body's tissues are attacked by their own immune system, which does not recognize the tissues as separate from harmful bacteria and viruses. Usually, the cells in the immune system are designed to ward off infections, but they are not able to fulfill this function if someone has rheumatoid arthritis.
Because the skin is broken during the process of getting a tattoo, there are associated health risks for people with autoimmune disorders. They are more likely to get infections than others, so it is imperative that they make sure that they obtain their tattoos from parlors that have been licensed and use sterile techniques.