Why is arthritis worse in the winter?
Cold weather can cause the muscles and tissues around the joints to stiffen and become more painful.
- Low temperatures increase inflammation and joint pain.
- Cold weather also makes it more difficult for people to move around and stay active, which can worsen arthritis pain.
2. Reduced sunlight:
During the winter months, the days are shorter and there is less sunlight. This can lead to a deficiency in vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and can help reduce inflammation. Vitamin D deficiency can worsen arthritis pain.
3. Seasonal changes in barometric pressure:
Barometric pressure changes, which occur when the weather changes, can also affect arthritis pain. When the barometric pressure drops, the air becomes less dense and this can cause the joints to swell and become more painful.
4. Stress and holiday weight gain:
The holidays can be a stressful time, which can lead to an increase in inflammation and arthritis pain. Additionally, people often gain weight during the holidays, which can put extra strain on the joints and worsen arthritis pain.