How to Dissolve BCP Crystals
Take note of where your pain is. If you are having joint, ligament pain or tendon pain in common areas like the knees, shoulders, elbows or back, you may suffer from arthritis or tendinitis and have BCP deposits.
Make an appointment with your doctor. Inform him you are having regular joint pain and have read about BCP crystals.
Identify the BCP crystals through light or electron microscopy. Individual crystals are difficult to identify and are expensive to accurately diagnose. In many cases, the crystals are asymptomatic and are therefore believed to be a result of a tear or another injury. Typically, if a doctor sees a buildup or inflammation in your joints he assumes it is a calcium buildup and begins treatment without further testing.
Begin corticosteroid or cortisone treatments as directed by a doctor. Localized shots in the affected areas has been shown to relieve pain and inflammation due to several calcium deposit related conditions. Several oral medications are also available through prescription.
Undergo surgical treatment of the affected area as directed by a doctor. The solution to severe pain will most likely be surgical in nature, while detection of asymptomatic BCP crystals may lead to physical therapy.
Ask your doctor about pulsed ultrasound therapy. According to Sterling West M.D., the procedure "has shown promise for dissolving BCP crystals."