How to Relieve Joints
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Cane
- Walker
Spend a few minutes each day in a hot bath or relax in a hot tub to decrease joint stiffness and increase mobility. Add Epsom salt to bath water, as directed by the instructions. This over-the-counter product is often used to help relieve inflammation and bodily aches.
Apply ice to joints to relieve pain. Use an ice pack on sore joints, in 10 to 15 minute intervals, to numb pain and lower inflammation in troubled spots. Wrapping ice in a cloth or placing ice in a plastic bag can work as a compress.
Stretch your joints. Participate in low-impact exercises such as Pilates, swimming, stretching and walking to improve joint mobility and lessen stiffness. Plan for 20 to 30 minutes at least three times a week. Decrease activity if joint pain worsens. Avoid exercises that may cause additional joint damage such as running or strenuous biking.
Drop additional pounds and maintain a healthy body weight. Being overweight can stress joints and increase pain. In conjunction with regular activity, eat a healthy diet (fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat, low-sugar) to lose excess weight and reduce joint discomfort.
Limit the use of the injured joint. Allow them time to heal or recover. Wrap knees and ankles after an injury and use walking devices such as canes or crutches to take pressure and stress off of the joints.