How to Make a Gin-Soaked Raisins Recipe to Treat Arthritis Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Glass jar with lid
- Large box of white (also known as blonde or golden) raisins
- Bottle of gin made out of juniper berries
Fill a glass jar with golden raisins up to 1/2 inch below the mouth of the jar. Do not use dark raisins. It is believed the interaction of the sulfites in the golden raisins and the juniper berries the gin is made of that make the gin-soaked raisin recipe effective.
Tap the jar on the counter top or table to allow the raisins to settle more compacted. Pour gin over the raisins until the raisins are completely submerged. Place the lid back on the jar.
Gently shake the gin-soaked raisins daily for a minimum of two weeks to ensure the raisins are surrounded by gin. The raisins will be ready to use to treat arthritis in one to two weeks, when all the gin has soaked into the raisins.
Store the jar of gin-soaked raisins in a cool, dark place. There is no need to refrigerate as the alcohol protects the raisins from spoilage. Eat nine of the gin soaked raisins each day to treat arthritis symptoms.