Celebrex Uses
One major use of Celebrex is to treat pain from arthritis. Arthritis is caused by chronic joint inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, you can experience swelling, stiffness and pain in your joints. Celebrex can block some of the enzymes that cause arthritis pain, providing relief. It might take as little as a week to as long as three months for you to feel the full effects of Celebrex. Take your prescribed dosage daily as instructed by your doctor to experience the maximum benefit.
Exteme Menstrual Cramps
If you get menstrual cramps before or during your monthly period that are debilitating, Celebrex might help you get your life back. Celebrex and other anti-inflammatory medications can help decrease the production of specific enzymes that make menstrual cramps more severe. Your doctor might want you to take Celebrex each month before your period is scheduled to start as a preventative measure. One benefit of Celebrex for menstrual cramp relief is that you can still take aspirin as needed for any other aches and pains that you experience during your cycle.
Colon Polyps
Celebrex can be used to prevent polyps from forming in the colon. Polyps are lumps or growths found in the large intestine that might be cancerous. When polyps are found during a colonoscopy, doctors must run tests to make sure they are not cancerous. Because of Celebrex's enzyme-blocking properties, you might develop fewer polyps while on this medicine. If you have a history of polyps and are older than 40, your doctor might prescribe Celebrex.
More About Celebrex
You might be prescribed as little as 100 mg of Celebrex or as much as 800 mg daily depending on the medical condition you need the drug for. A common dosage for arthritis treatment is 200 mg daily. Celebrex, like any medications, might cause you to experience unwanted side effects. Common side effects can include nausea, fatigue, headache and weight gain. If the side effects of Celebrex are making you uncomfortable, talk with your health-care provider.