Range-of-Motion Exercises for Thumb Joints
Thumb Slide
Hold your arm out from you at a 90-degree angle, using a table to support yourself if necessary. Straighten your hand and point your fingers and thumb away from your body. Lift your thumb toward the ceiling, straightening the joint, then slide it across your palm toward your little finger. Lift your thumb back up to the starting position and repeat the exercise on each hand.
In and Out
Bend your arm at the elbow and point your forearm away from you with your fingers straight out in front of you. Move your thumb away from your palm, keeping it level with your index finger, then move it back to the palm. Make sure you keep your thumb level with your index finger during the entire exercise. Repeat on the opposite hand.
Thumb Roll
Hold your hand out in front of you with your palm facing the ceiling. Roll your thumb across your palm until the tip of your thumb meets the tip of your little finger. Keep your thumb and finger straight to experience the full range of motion. Repeat with both hands.
Thumb Walk
With a straight wrist, gently touch the tip of your thumb to your index fingertip to make an "O." Straighten and spread your fingers, then touch your thumb to the next fingertip. Repeat until you have touched each fingertip, remembering to straighten and spread your fingers between each "O." If you have trouble with this exercise, use your opposite hand to help place your thumb in the right place. Repeat this exercise on both hands, but remember to stop if you start to feel severe pain.