What Fruits Is Bromelain Found In?
Bromelain Concentrate
Bromelain must be concentrated to be effective. The concentrate is either administered in tablet form or used topically to treat inflammation of joints, severe burns or inflammation following surgery.
For centuries, Central and South American people have used pineapple as a treatment for indigestion and to reduce inflammation.
In 1993, bromelain was approved in Germany to treat inflammation following nasal and other surgeries. Doctors in Germany also use it as a digestive aid and an arthritis treatment.
As of September 2010, the FDA has not established a recommended dosage for bromelain. It is considered a nutritional supplement, not a medication, and no minimum daily requirement for bromelain has been set.
Other Uses
Bromelain may reduce painful effects following surgery and physical injuries. "It is often used to reduce inflammation associated with tendinitis, sprains and strains, and other minor muscle injuries," according to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC).
UMMC reports that bromelain has also been shown to be useful in treating insect bites.