What is EML Rheumatology Treatment?
The WHO's model list of essential medicines is meant to treat widespread diseases and support a minimum level of care. This is primarily meant to assist those in developing countries. The WHO EML should be adapted to local needs, whether national or regional. The list has become an important tool for any agency involved in acquiring medications in bulk.
The EML lists those medicines it considers most important in the treatment of rheumatoid disorders. These medicines are called disease modifying agents used in rheumatoid disorders (DMARDS). These medicines include chloroquine, azathioprine, methotrexate and penicillamine. Suggested dosages for adults are listed with each one.
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In the United States, there are additional medications available for the treatment of rheumatoid disorders which are not listed on the WHO EML. The American College of Rheumatology has a list of 12 of the most commonly prescribed medicines, with a description of each. Each description includes information about how it works, suggested dosage, side effects and drug interactions.