Arthritis Pool Exercises
Shoulder Exercises
The Arthritis Foundation recommends that those who perform pool exercises completely submerge the body part being exercised and perform each exercise slowly. Stop exercising if you feel sudden pain or an increase in joint pain. The shoulder is a joint commonly affected by arthritis. Perform the forward arm reach by raising one arm or both arms forward. Raise arms as high as you can while reaching forward, and return arms to your sides at the starting position. Arm circles are performed by raising both arms just below water level. Keeping both elbows straight, make small circles in the water with your arms. Gradually increase the size of your circle and then decrease it. Circle your arms inward and then outward and be sure your arms do not come out of the water.
Hip Exercises
Hip exercises performed in the pool help increase flexibility in the hip joints. Perform a side leg lift by standing with your left side to the wall of the pool and hold onto the wall for balance. Keep your knees relaxed and swing your right leg out and toward the center of the pool and back to middle position. Repeat with the opposite leg, placing your right side to the pool wall. Be sure to avoid crossing your legs in front of each other to avoid injury to the hip. The knee lift is another hip strengthening exercise that is performed by standing with your back or left side against the wall of the pool. Bend your right knee and bring it up close to the surface of the water. Straighten your knee and bend again. Keeping your knee bent, lower your leg. Repeat on the opposite leg.
Knee Exercises
Knee bends help improve the flexion and extension in the knees. Begin this move by raising one foot slowly and straightening the knee. Hold the move for a count of 3 and release. Repeat on the other leg once you have completed all your sets. Knee to chest exercises help increase knee flexibility and help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. Sit on the steps of the pool and lift one knee towards your chest. Hug the knee into your chest and hold for a count of 3. Place your hands under your thighs or on top of your knee to provide an additional stretch.