Honey Bee Cures for Arthritis
Ayurvedic practitioners recommend a mixture of honey, warm water and cinnamon to alleviate arthritis pain. Ayurveda, literally "science of life," is a sister healing science to yoga used on the Indian subcontinent from time immemorial. It draws upon herbal remedies and balancing health through dietary practices. Arthritis patients may receive pain-relieving benefits from this honey-warm water-cinnamon mixture either orally or through direct application to the skin. Oral treatment seems to work best, when taken on an empty stomach.
Bee Venom
When you receive a bee sting, the surrounding area becomes inflamed. This, in turn, causes the body to increase circulation to the affected region and release anti-inflammatory hormones. Arthritis suffers benefit from the body's protective response. That's why other sufferers get bee venom via injection, targeting arthritic joints. Also, a new product combines honey with bee venom.
Other Bee Products
Some lesser-known bee products have also earned a reputation for healing a host of health issues. Bee pollen comes from flower pollen mixed with honeybee digestive juices. It is said to help with weight control, thereby potentially lessening stress on joints. It also delivers many vitamins, amino acids and nutrients, including calcium, which aids in bone strength. Another bee product popular with alternative health practitioners is propolis, the resinous plant product bees use to seal and protect their hives. Bee propolis offers painkilling benefits comparable in strength to NSAID (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory) drugs. Unlike the pharmaceutical NSAIDs, propolis has few side effects. Royal jelly is the food given to bee larvae which will develop into queen bees. Many people attribute tremendous powers to royal jelly, including enhanced immune system function, increased energy and arthritis prevention.