Subtalar Arthritis Pain
People with arthritis experience stiffness or pain in their joints, according to the Mayo Clinic. Arthritis pain can result from either inflammation or cartilage damage.
The Subtalar Joint
The Southern California Orthopedic Institute describes the ankle as consisting of two sub-assemblies, the true ankle joint and the subtalar joint. The subtalar joint, located between the talus bone and the calcaneus (heel bone), enables the foot to tilt from side to side.
Pain Relievers
Pain relievers for arthritis, according to the Mayo Clinic, include analgesics for pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain and inflammation, or corticosteroid pills or injections to reduce swelling.
London Foot Surgery states that fusing the subtalar joint surgically relieves pain by eliminating the joint's tilting action.
Fusion surgery runs certain risks, including nerve pain, infection, or failure of the bones to fuse, according to London Foot Surgery.