Healthy Diet for Psoriatic Arthritis
Make Wise Food Choices
Avoid red meats, citrus fruits and foods like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers---all foods known to aggravate psoriatic arthritis. Also, avoid bacon and other forms of processed meat. Begin eliminating these foods from your diet one by one and see if each reduction makes a difference in how you feel. You may have to do this for several days or weeks in order for it to be effective or to determine whether this is an effective course of treatment. Make sure you read food labels, and purchase organic foods whenever possible.
Foods to Emphasize
Avoid saturated fats, which means eating plenty of lean cuts of beef and poultry. Fish is also an excellent choice, as are low-fat dairy products. Fish is good for you because it is full of omega-3, which can help reduce joint inflammation. Emphasize cold-water fish, such as herring, mackerel, fresh tuna, trout and salmon. Other foods rich in omega-3 include flaxseed, soy products and walnuts.
Fruits, Vegetables and Water
Avoid citrus and nightshade fruits and vegetables, which include the afore-mentioned tomatoes and eggplant. Drink plenty of water; staying well-hydrated is especially important for patients who have been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis.
Turmeric and ginger are well-known anti-inflammatory spices, and adding them to your daily diet can help reduce swelling. Sticking to a healthy, well-balanced diet should help control "flare-ups," as well as decrease the pain of psoriatic arthritis.