Yoga Exercises for Arthritis in the Lower Back
Recommended Yoga Poses
In his famous book "Light on Yoga," B.K.S. Iyengar recommends a number of poses that he considers therapeutic for people who have arthritis in their lower back. Several of these poses are twisting yoga poses, including half lotus/half hero twist (bharadvajasana), noose pose (pasasana) and half lord of the fishes pose (ardha matsyendrasana). Twists benefit people with arthritis in the spine by relieving stiffness in the back and encouraging the flow of synovial fluid, which lubricates and cushions the cartilage in the spine.
Iyengar also recommends yoga inversions as an alternative treatment for arthritis. An inversion is any pose where the head is lower than the heart. Doctors sometimes recommend inversion therapy to people with arthritis in the spine, but yoga inversions can have similar therapeutic effects without expensive machinery. Yoga inversions for arthritis include handstand (adho murkha vrksasana), forearm stand (pincha mayurasana), shoulder stand (sarvangasana) and headstand (sirsasana). Headstand and shoulder stand should be avoided if you have neck problems. Many yoga classes use props such as blocks, bolsters or chairs to make inversions more accessible.
One of the other types of yoga poses that Iyengar recommends for arthritis in the lower back is backbends. When approached slowly and mindfully, backbends allow people with arthritis in the lower back to explore and expand the range of motion in their spine; back-bending poses can alleviate stiffness and increase spinal mobility. Yoga backbends include locust (salabasana), bow (dhanurasana), fish (uttana padasana), warrior I (viraabhadrasana I) and wheel (urdhva dhanurasana). Approach backbends gradually and stop if you experience any pain in your spine. Remembering to draw your tailbone down toward your heels during backbends can help release compression in the lower back.
Many of the other yoga poses mentioned in "Light on Yoga" as alternative treatments for arthritis in the lower back can be classified as forward folds or side bends, both of which move the spine in ways that do not normally occur in daily life, which encourages the movement of synovial fluid. Recommended forward folds include hand to big toe pose (padangustasana), gorilla (padahastasana) and standing forward bend (uttanasana). Recommended side-bending poses include triangle (trikonasana), extended side angle (parsvakonasana) and side gate (parighasana).
Always begin your yoga practice with a certified yoga teacher who has completed at least 200 hours of professional training. When exploring yoga as an alternative treatment for arthritis, look for a yoga teacher who has a background in yoga therapy or other types of body work, and always let the teacher know about your condition and concerns. Never push yourself in a yoga session or continue to do poses that cause sharp pain or serious discomfort. If the arthritis in your lower back is advanced, choose a gentle or restorative yoga class.
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