Knee Joint Pain Remedies With Glucose
Consuming Glucosamine
One of the best ways to take a glucosamine supplement is via an injection into your knee joint. But injections require visits to the doctor. If an injection won't work for you, glucosamine supplements are also available in both liquid and tablet form. Glucosamine liquid is more effective than a pill, because your body begins absorbing the liquid as soon as it enters your stomach. You can drink glucosamine directly or add it to a beverage. Glucosamine pills often contain fillers and stabilizers, pass through the body too quickly and aren't effectively absorbed, compared with glucosamine liquid.
Types of Glucosamine
There are three forms of glucosamine: glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride and glucosamine NAS. Although glucosamine hydrochloride and NAS are cheaper, glucosamine sulfate offers the best benefits for knee-joint pain. Glucosamine sulfate travels from your stomach to your joints more easily. If you are allergic to sulfa, you can take glucosamine sulfate. Even though it's called sulfate, it doesn't contain sulfa.
There isn't an official recommended dosage, but the general dosage if you weigh under 200 pounds is 1,500 mg daily. If you weigh more than 200 pounds, up the dosage to 2,000 to 2,250 mg daily. Before starting a glucosamine supplement, talk with your physician. You can ask your physician about the dosage and any interactions with medications you may be taking.