Why Does Arthritis Pain Abate & Increase?
As an autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis causes intermittent flare-ups in which pain, fatigue and joint damage increase. Symptom-free periods between flare-ups are known as remissions. Unfortunately, the causes of flare-ups in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are not well understood.
Weather Changes
According to MedicineNet.com, changes in humidity, barometric pressure and temperature can cause worsening of arthritis symptoms in some people, especially in those with osteoarthritis.
Strain and Overuse
Strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting or climbing stairs, can increase the pain of arthritis. Pain may worsen during or shortly after such activities and may last hours or days.
Food Allergies
Certain foods may trigger inflammation in some people. According to ArthritisToday.org, the intestinal fluid of many patients with rheumatoid arthritis contains higher-than-normal antibody levels to common food allergens, such as wheat and milk, indicating a possible allergy-arthritis connection.
Although there is no known cure for arthritis, there are ways to help prevent acute pain. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, engage in gentle exercise regularly, and avoid emotional stress when possible.