Synvisc Dangers
Pain and Swelling
According to, Synvisc is used as an injection in the knee joint, used when other treatments, such as physical therapy and pain relievers, are unsuccessful in alleviating symptoms of osteoarthritis. Synvisc includes hyaluronic acid, which helps to restore thickness to the fluid surrounding the knee joint, taking pressure off of the joint itself and lubricating the area as it moves, alleviating pain.
Because of the injection, the most common danger related to Synvisc is pain and swelling in the area of the knee. Research by estimates that 7.2 percent of patients who received the injection suffered from pain and swelling in the area. This can generally be treated with pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen.
If these symptoms persist, or the medicine does not work, consult your doctor immediately. In some cases pain and swelling can indicate an infection, and the joint may need to be drained.
As strange as it sounds, Synvisc injections are made partially from chicken combs. Therefore, if you are allergic to any poultry product, including chicken eggs or feathers, you should not receive the Synvisc injection, as a serious allergic reaction can occur, resulting in intense pain and swelling and other possible complications.
General Side Effects
Like many medicines, Synvisc can result in slight disturbances in your body’s normal functions. A small gain or loss of weight and trouble getting to sleep after the injections are common as with any new medicine. Make sure you doctor knows if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to become pregnant before you receive the injection, as the medicine can potentially effect pregnancy. Follow all of your doctor’s orders precisely regarding when to get the injections and what to do afterwards to avoid anymore serious health risks.