Diet for Persons With Poly Arthritis

As it is based on the principles of moderate consumption and control, the Zone diet has few drawbacks in terms of its application and effectiveness. However, the major shortcoming felt by most followers is that it is extremely rigid in terms of the balance of food components and so it very complex to follow and maintain.
  1. Causes of Poly Arthritis

    • Poly arthritis is an aggravated form of the auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. It is occasionally also caused due to viral infections of the joints due to viruses such as the Chikungunya virus. A study by Dr. Dorothy J. Pattison published in the August 2005 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has also shown that missing vital ingredients in diet can aggravate the condition and cause chronic inflammation and pain of the affected joints. While it might not be one of the root causes for poly arthritis, an incorrect diet plays a major role in the expression of the condition.

    How Do Certain Foods Affect Poly Arthritis?

    • There has been no direct link established between food intake and poly arthritis and doctors generally do not suggest restraint of any kind in terms of food to poly arthritic patients. However, certain arthritic patients have reported allergic reactions to wheat products, so avoiding such products is advisable. High levels of sodium in diet can increase blood pressure and lead to aggravation of arthritic inflammation; it is advisable to cut down on sodium intake if you are suffering from arthritis.

    What are the Dietary Recommendations for Poly Arthritis?

    • Consume lots of fruits and vegetables and the recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C if you have poly arthritis. The Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Journal published a study by Professor D. Symmons and colleagues in the July 2004 issue that found that lower intakes of these dietary components result in higher incidents of inflammatory poly arthritis. At the same time, it is also necessary to balance your overall diet in terms of various components in order to get the best benefits and life a normal life while suffering from poly arthritis.

    Which Guidelines are Important?

    • Doctors generally recommend seven basic guidelines to poly arthritic patients for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet and life. These include consuming of variety of foods; avoiding weight gain; sticking to food that is low in cholesterol and fats; avoiding high sugar foods; consuming higher quantities of starch and fibrous foods; maintaining low sodium intake levels; and staying away from alcohol. These guidelines can help poly arthritis patients avoid the pain and discomfort involved with sudden inflammatory bouts.

    Diet and Arthritis-A Final Note

    • While the exact relation between diet and arthritis has not been proven by research, a study by Professor Symmons and Dr. D. Pattison published in the December 2004 issue of the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism has shown that the two are linked. Diet components can act as risk factors that kick-off the onset of poly arthritis. They may also affect the body’s immune system to make it easy for the condition to set in. On the whole, it is better to follow a balanced diet rich in vegetable, fruits and vitamin C in order to be on the safer side with poly arthritis.

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