Fibromyalgia & Immediate Pain Relief
Causes and Indications
Medical experts have not really understood fibromyalgia. Their studies and observations suggest that it may be caused by lack of deep sleep, that sufferers cannot reach the deep sleep level 4, that state of relaxation wherein muscles begin to regenerate, rebuild and refresh. Fibromyalgia is often experienced as a burning pain in the ligaments and muscles, usually in the neck, back, shoulders and hips, and is accompanied by a flu-like feeling all over the body.
Some Remedies
It is the aim of every fibromyalgia patient to find a cure, but since this is not possible, any relief, method, procedure or medicine that can provide such pain alleviation is great news. Here are some suggested remedies for immediate pain relief:
Heat Therapy
Heat applied over the sore and painful muscles can provide instant relief from pain. Heating pads or hot compress pads help to loosen the stiff joints and muscles. They also assist in blood circulation.
Balms and Ointments
Some over-the-counter pain ointments and balms are effective in immediately lessening the pain. A simple rubbing application over the tender points will ease the pain almost instantly.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is another procedure that can loosen the tight muscles. This type of massage is more intense and focuses the pressure around the sore areas to release the muscle tension that has formed.
Paraffin Heat
Paraffin heat therapy is another very effective instant relief procedure against pain. This procedure uses hot liquid wax or paraffin as heat dispenser. The sore spot is wrapped with this hot wax and left to absorb the heat until the wax hardens and cools.
Anti-Pain Drugs
Of course, there are drugs that may be dispensed to counter the pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. The three FDA-approved drugs for fibromyalgia are Savella, Lyrica and Cymbalta. Instant relief may also be received by injecting steroids or lidocaine in the tender points.
There is also a muscle relaxant for pain and sleep that can help; it is known as Flexeril. And of course, the usual over-the-counter pain relievers can help: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen.
It is suggested that medical advice be sought if your chosen therapy or therapies are not working to your expectations.