The Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis on Lifestyle
The pain and swelling that accompanies rheumatoid arthritis can greatly limit the patient's mobility, making it very difficult for her to perform even simple every day tasks.
A little known symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is the debilitating fatigue that often accompanies the disease. Patients often find themselves exhausted, even after sleeping. Adding to this problem, sleeping well through the night is difficult to many sufferers because of the pain associated with the condition.
Some medications given to treat the disease can result in unpleasant side effects. For example, patients being treated with steroids may experience bruising, weight gain and thinning bones.
Brain Fog
Brain fog is a condition that makes concentration difficult. It may also effect the patient's ability to remember things.
Physical Disability
For some RA patients, the disease leads to extensive physical disabilities, often leaving them wheelchair bound.