Spices That Help Prevent Arthritis
Ginger works as an anti-inflammatory and therefore is helpful against arthritis, according to stanford.wellsphere.com. Fresh ginger has been used as an anti-inflammatory in Ayurvedic medicine, traditional medicine from India, for hundreds of years. You can eat ginger, make ginger compresses or drink ginger tea. Ginger may cause an increase in bleeding, however, so if you have bleeding problems, diabetes or heart trouble, you should not use ginger.
Red Pepper
Red peppers can help against arthritis because they contain a pain-relieving chemical called capsaicin. Red peppers also contain a type of carotenoids called beta-cryptoxanthin, powerful anti-oxidants. A study conducted in the United Kingdom found that people who had diets high in beta-cryptoxanthin halved their risk of getting arthritis.
Turmeric is a yellow spice commonly used in Indian food and in curries. It's also called curcumin. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory as well. Using too much turmeric can cause stomach upset, however.
Cocoa Powder
Though it's not an herb, using cocoa powder is a pleasant way to get more anti-oxidants. Use of cocoa powder may prevent cell damage by free radicals and lessen the degenerative effects of aging, as well as reduce inflammation, according to stanford.wellsphere.com. Other foods that are also high in anti-oxidants include spinach, carrots, kale, citrus fruits and bell peppers.
The use of rosemary as a treatment for arthritis goes back a long way. It's long been an American folk remedy for arthritis, and with good reason; there are four kinds of anti-inflammatory properties contained in rosemary. Add rosemary to food or drink rosemary tea for arthritis. You can make the tea by letting 1/2 oz. of rosemary steep for at least 30 minutes in 1 qt. of boiling hot water, than taking a cup before going to bed and upon rising in the morning.
Always consult your doctor before beginning any kind of herbal or supplemental medical treatment, especially if you are pregnant.