B-Complex & Joint Pain
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is essential for many different functions, including preventing inflammation in the body. According to a research paper by En-Pei I Chiang and others published by the journal "Arthritis Research & Therapy" in 2005, low B6 levels have been associated with arthritic joint pain.
Other B vitamins
The body requires vitamin B3 (niacin) in order to function. Without B3, the body can succumb to inflammation, according to Balch.
Studies had noted the correlation of chronic arthritic joint pain with low levels of B6. In 2005, Chiang conducted studies to determine if supplementation of B6 vitamins improves the symptoms of arthritis.
Chiang reports that correlations between arthritis with chronic pain and a vitamin B6 deficiency indicated that patients with inflammation have depleted this vitamin, but there was no cause-and-effect relationship. The patients required more B6 than their intake.
While B6 supplementation did not improve the symptoms of arthritis, Chiang says that doctors may want to prescribe the vitamin for patients to prevent a deficiency.